if you or someone you know needs or can offer help, post here. if you are asking help for yourself (and that is perfectly fine), we do ask that you give us the names of a couple of established members who can give you a reference. if you can offer help, even in an amount less than a full membership, we will coordinate and match up donors and recipients via the Ways and Means Committee.
we do not know how many of these can be done, but will try to help as many as possible. please keep this as quiet and private as possible, not only to protect us from any reprisals from the site (though heaven knows why they'd mind), but to keep us from being inundated with requests we are unable to fill and causing disappointment and ill will.
we have set up a special email and password for joint use for the project - it is clickable at top right. when the time comes to fund an account in need, a specific time will be agreed on and communicated by gift message (the time ONLY, gift messages are NOT private from the site), and the person recieving the gift membership will change their login to this special email and password for that length of time, then change it back. The gifting member will use that logon to pay for the membership. this should both keep our profile low, and maintain security for all involved.
NOTE : comments/discussions of any given renewal are being deleted on completion, just in case "A"/"a" someone decides to peek...
those (much appreciated) members who wish to give aid can either do so directly - via PayPal only, please, again, for security purposes - or make a smaller contribution to a general kitty, again via PayPal, which allows money to be sent to other PayPal accounts with no fees, one of which will be made available for this purpose if and as needed.

Thank you all...and bless us, every one!
as far as we know, the accounts have been preserved intact - if nothing else, they provide the site with inflated "warm body" numbers to show potential backers. i left a more specific response over at OpLifeboat - and welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI lost my e-mail ANNNDDD password. Plus, I still don't get what was all explained up here -stupid-
ReplyDeleteWho lost there email and pass? (I didn't write that) ._.
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate an account for my older brother. He is greatly missed on FooPets and I would love to have him back. Thank you.
ReplyDeletesorry about delay getting back to everyone - things have been a little hectic. i am adding my email address to the Access Info box, above, so that people can contact me privately more easily...as i am getting lost in the various "anonymouses", lol. (it won't let you just make up a name on this? too bad.)
ReplyDeleteHi I need financial help to get to foopets to feed my cat. My reference is the wonderful lady from:
Hi I need financial help to get to foopets to feed my cat. My reference is the wonderful lady from:
as soon as i have funds (soon, the commercial fishing season is just getting started), i will be able to get your memberships - i'll let you know and we can work out the details.
ReplyDeleteHi Gold Rush, Any news re: funds?
ReplyDeleteAre we ready to set up my membership?
Hi Gold Rush, Any news re: funds?
ReplyDeleteAre we ready to set up my membership?
fishing season is starting and i should be able to reunite you with Panther - finally! - in a week or so. i will email you soon.
ReplyDeleteok, thanks will be waiting
ReplyDeletenow can transmit funds to anyone with a PayPal login, for those who may choose to take advantage of this program.